You spend years in school, and after graduation probably worked as an associate before becoming an owner. If you are like most dentists, no one ever taught you about running a business – you learned it on your own, or how to make money. They certainly didn’t have classes on what to do when you want or need to sell your life’s work.
I know how to get the better price, work through issues with landlords and get through the unexpected hiccups. I can anticipate many issues in advance.
For the last 30+ years as a licensed Real Estate Broker, I have been involved in reviewing and participating in thousands of dental practice sale opportunities. I am very firmly grounded in how to place a value on your dental practice. The experience I have gathered over the years allows me to help you set a realistic price so the practice will sell.
I can provide a price point if you are looking to get an idea of what your practice is worth in the current market. We can do this with you providing a minimal amount of information.
I also provide a written appraisal based on the dynamics of your office for a reasonable fee.
If you decide to move forward to go to market, I will work with you in conducting the sale. I will assist in getting financing for your purchaser, will provide draft documents, and work with your legal and tax professionals to complete the sale. I will gather the detailed information to build and present a complete package to your purchaser and their representatives.
I will advertise and market your dental practice using the latest technology and a proactive marketing program to maximize exposure while ensuring confidentiality.
I evaluate pre-qualified buyers and require them to sign a confidentiality agreement before receiving any sensitive information about the practice or sale. My goal is to bring you qualified buyers who are ready and capable of purchasing your dental office.
My focus is on exceptional service. My clients over the years have placed a high volume of trust in my ability to assist them with the sales process. My efforts are dedicated towards creating a simplified and efficient transition experience.
If you wish to learn more about my services and how I can make the sale, transition, and marketing of your dental practice a more comfortable process, please contact me and make an appointment.
Experience counts. You and I need to forge our alliance. Give me a call and let’s chat.